Daily headlines - Wednesday, 13 September

Ljubljana, 13 September - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 13 September:


Nuclear energy
"Three suitors for second nuclear unit": The three largest sponsors of a recent nuclear energy conference in Portorož are also the most likely builders of a second reactor at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK) - the French, Americans and South Koreans. Experts are mum about who has the best chances, while noting that NEK2 is not just a project, but a "marriage". (front page, 3)

"Triglav will adjust insurances": Due to the damage caused by recent storms and freezing of the top-up health insurance premiums, Zavarovalnica Triglav is expected to post EUR 20 million in pre-tax profit, only 20% of the plan. The majority of other companies listed on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange stick to the plans despite unfavourable business environment. (front page, 10)

Death of Sašo Hribar
"Colleagues bid farewell to brother-in-arms": A memorial service for Sašo Hribar, one of Slovenia's most popular radio personalities who died last Friday, was held at the public broadcaster RTV Slovenija on Tuesday. "Sašo was our brother-in-arms ... who fought for the freedom of his colleagues, of the media house he belonged to with all his heart," said RTV Slovenija general manager Zvezdan Martič. (front page, 10)


"Crowded on the border, even worse in Ljubljana": Interior Minister Boštjan Poklukar announced that border fence in the area of Rigonce (E) will not be removed, but experts warn that this will not stop illegal migration. Meanwhile, a humanitarian crisis is taking place in the Ljubljana asylum centre due to overcrowding. (front page, 3)

Deadly accident on Ljubljana ring road
"He slammed into tailback while almost not breaking at all": The horrific traffic accident on the southern side of the Ljubljana ring road, which claimed three lives on Monday, was caused by a 56-year-old Slovak lorry driver. He apparently saw the tailback in front of him too late and did not manage to stop the vehicle in time. (front page, 10, commentary on page 12)


Stock exchange
"Listed companies at half-year mark: who is doing well, who has issues?": Insurance companies are under pressure due to natural disasters, the government is after the NLB bank, while industrial companies feel the cool-down. The paper looks at the numbers and forecasts for the end of the year. (front page 2-3)

"Builders in Germany cancelling projects. What about Slovenia?": Slovenian builders note that new projects that are not related to the recent floods are few and far between. Material is not getting more expensive, but services are, and there is an increasing uncertainty created by the economic slow-down. (front page, 6)

"Too long waiting line: Improving data by abolishing very urgent referrals?": Despite an additional EUR 200 million being pumped into the system, 145,000 patients are still waiting for medical services for too long, 40% more than last year. If the ministry abolishes very urgent referrals, the number of people waiting for treatment would be lower on paper. (front page, 4-5)

State borrowing
"Why finance experts find borrowing at 5.2% sensible": The treasury is issuing a 10-year US dollar bond, the first since 2014. Primož Cencelj of Generali Investments says that this is expected and notes that dispersion among a broader investment base is welcome. (front page, 8-9)


Maribor roads
"Finally new Limbuš bypass": After more than three years of construction, a 1.5km section of a new bypass road from the direction of Ruše finally opened yesterday. Some 10,000 vehicles are expected to use the road daily, significantly relieving two major roads in eastern Maribor. (front page, 2, 13)

Women in politics
"Women politicians: More empathy, less ego": Gender balance in politics in Slovenia, which is still considered a predominantly male domain, is improving, the paper says, raising the question of whether women in politics have a more demanding role than men. (front page, 2)

Traffic accidents
"Goal is to cut 'blood tax' in half": After an accident on the Ljubljana ring road took three lives on Monday, the paper notes that the proportion of lorry drivers who cause deadly accidents is not negligible, and that the majority of them are foreigners. (front page, 9)

Festival Maribor
"Harmony of music and poetry": Festival Maribor, which will mostly celebrate home-grown creativity, will open tomorrow in Slovenia's second largest city, with the opening concert featuring the pianist brothers Nejc and Adam Kamplet and the SNG Maribor Orchestra. (front page, 12)

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