Daily headlines - Thursday, 14 September

Ljubljana, 14 September - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 14 September:


Asylum seekers
"Ombudsman criticises government over migrants": The Human Rights Ombudsman has pointed to the "unbearable situation" in the asylum centre in the Ljubljana borough of Vič, whose capacity is 350 people while it currently accommodates around 1,200 people. (front page, 3)

State of the Union Address
"Ursula von der Leyen secretive": As she delivered yesterday the last State of the Union Address before the 2014 European Parliament election, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen did not reveal whether she will run for another term. (front page, 5)

"Introducing e-health is key for society": The Health 2023 business conference hosted by Delo yesterday concluded that Slovenia is ready to successfully digitalise healthcare, which is key for society as it enables faster and more reliable detection of diseases. (front page, 8, 15)


Traffic safety
"Test also for driving e-scooter?": Experts are thinking about changes that would improve safety of riders of e-scooters and other traffic participants, including raising their minimum permitted age, mandatory helmets and mandatory liability insurance. (front page, 11, commentary 14)

"Golob's security advisor has to go to prison": Miloš Njegoslav Milović, who used to be an informal security adviser to Prime Minister Robert Golob, has been called to start serving a year and a half in prison for his involvement in a fictitious business deal. (front page, 3)

"Railway to Borovnica renovated": The renovation work on the railway section between Brezovica and Borovnica, south-east of Ljubljana, was completed on Sunday. The line will still be closed between 7am and 5pm until Monday for final work that will ensure greater speeds. (front page, 8)


Protection of whistleblowers
"9 tips on how to correctly introduce new obligation": By mid-December, companies with between 50 and 249 employees need to establish an internal channel for reporting irregularities that employees detect in the working environment. Large companies were already supposed to do so. (front page, 4)

Slovenian economy
"IMAD downgrades growth forecast for this year": As the government's macroeconomic forecaster IMAD downgraded its GDP forecast for this year from 1.8% to 1.6%, while upgrading the forecast for 2024 from 2.5% to 2.8%, the paper analyses the state of the Slovenian economy "in five pictures". (front page, 2-3)

"These are finalists for 2023 Exporter of the Year award": The finalists for the 2023 Exporter of the Year award are mobile the home maker Adria Dom, security printing company Cetis, sports sock maker Intersocks, motorhome and camper van maker Robeta and premium glass maker Steklarna Hrastnik. The award winner will be announced on 20 September in Brdo pri Kranju. (front page, 10-11)


"Lengthy receipts": The receipt issued by the retailer Müller for a single item measure 41 centimetres, and the situation is not much better in other shops. Retailers say that they are environmentally aware, but note that receipts contain important information for shoppers. (front page, 4)

State of the union address
"Call of history for Europe": In her State of the Union Address yesterday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen noted the green transition and enlargement of the EU. The paper also runs an article on the reactions of the Slovenian MEPs to the speech. (front page, 2-3)

Sexual abuse
"Sexual violence in the ranks of scouts": The Scout Association of Slovenia has detected a suspected sexual offence against minors in their ranks. The suspect has been withdrawn from all activities and the police has filed a criminal complaint against him. He is already in detention. (front page, 8)

Flood relief effort
"Connected again": A new, temporary bridge opened yesterday across the Dreta River in Gornji Grad to the delight of the locals who have lost their bridge to the August floods. The foundations were set by the locals, while the bridge was installed by the Polish army in three days. (front page, 19)

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