Daily headlines - Wednesday, 27 September

Ljubljana, 27 September - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 27 September:


Property prices
"Prices down in Germany, up in Slovenia": Recently released statistics show that while property prices rose by 7.4% at the annual level in Slovenia, they declined by nearly 10% in Germany. On both markets the number of transactions dropped significantly. (front page, 9)botched

Govt staffing
"Secretary Grizold retiring": Anton Grizold, a state secretary at the prime minister's office in charge of defence, is retiring, whereas Andrej Benedejčič, a state secretary who was supposed to start his term as ambassador to NATO, will stay on until the end of the year. (front page, 2)

Post-flood reconstruction
"Construction resilient to future disasters": The government reconstruction council, an advisory body, debated the draft reconstruction bill at its first session. Prime Minister Robert Golob said built structures must be resilient to future disasters. (front page, 3)

Statistics office dismissal
"Dismissal of SURS director": The government has informed the director of the Statistics Office of "alleged violations and possible reasons for dismissal," a move which signals he will be fired after a sharp revision of GDP figures. (front page)


Flood reconstruction
"Tackling floods with studies": Having received warnings from the mayor and company representatives, the Waters Directorate knew that the Loke industrial zone in Ljubno ob Savinji is prone to flooding but failed to provide permanent flood protection measures nonetheless. They were waiting for a new hydrological study. (front page, 2)

"Rigonce, the best protected Slovenian village": Rigonce, a village of 160 residents, is the main entry point for migrants entering Slovenia. Up to 200 walk through every day, most are intercepted by police as soon as they cross. (front page, 3, 12)

E-bicycle fatalities
"Elderly dominate e-bicycle death figures": Three riders, all of them aged over 60, died this summer while riding their e-bycicles. Last year there was just one such victim. (front page, 10)


"It was worse than last year in some places. What's next?": Statistical figures confirm the summer tourism season was satisfactory, but some places saw lower figures. Bad weather and August floods have had a significant impact on visitor numbers. (front page, 2, 3)

"Austrian railways cutting links due to persistent delays": Slovenian rail passengers no longer have direct links to Frankfurt and Vienna. The Austrian railway operator has decided to discontinue the service due to persistent delays on Slovenian and Croatian railways. (front page, 4, 5)

Studio Moderna bankruptcy
"Češko's workers feel cheated. Lessons that you should not repeat": Workers at Studio Moderna who were laid off before bankruptcy proceedings were initiated are in a worse position than those who stayed on. They are not entitled to severance, and they lost two monthly wages. (front page, 4, 5)


"Nobody is holding on to their post": Maribor football club's business director Bojan Ban and sports director Marko Šuler deny accusations that there is a power struggle going on at the club. And despite poor results, they are not in favour of firing the head coach. (front page, 2, 10, 11)

Standoff with police
"Arrest after ten hours": A man was arrested near Ptuj after a ten-hour standoff with the police, during which time he shot his long-gauge rifle at the police and a passing car. Nobody was injured. (front page, 8)

Budget planning
"Budget cuts raise ire in coalition": Coalition officials say off the record that this is a tumulus period as all departments await what kind of budget cuts they face. (front page, 4)

Slovakia election
"Fico's return would strengthen the pro-Russian camp": The return of Robert Fico, who is ahead in the polls in Slovakia, would strengthen the Hungarian-led pro-Russian camp in Europe. (front page, 6)

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