Slovenian honorary consuls hold meeting

Nova Gorica/Novo Mesto/Ljubljana, 27 September - The Foreign Ministry and the Office for Slovenians Abroad are hosting the third meeting of Slovenian honorary consuls from around the world from Wednesday to Friday. The event brings together 77 out of the 143 honorary consuls from all over the world for discussions, receptions and visits in the regions of Goriška and Dolenjska, and Ljubljana.

Ljubljana, GZS.
Srečanje častnih konzulov RS, ki ga je priredilo ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
Obisk Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije (GZS), kjer je potekala predstavitev treh uspešnih slovenskih zgodb.
Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA

Slovenian honorary consuls visiting the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GZS) in 2016, at their second meeting in Slovenia.
Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA
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