Daily headlines - Thursday, 28 September

Ljubljana, 28 September - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 28 September:


Post-flood reconstruction
"We'll pay for reconstruction from the budget": The outlines of the financing of post-flood reconstruction are becoming clearer. The bulk of the financing will be budget-based, only a small share will be channelled via SID bank. (front page, 3)

Government Koroška visit
"Promises made, people uncertain": The government made many promises during yesterday's visit to Koroška. In the next three weeks it will also be decided what to do with the most severely destroyed settlements. (front page, 3)

Border policing
"Police strengthens patrols": Police yesterday beefed up control of the most critical parts of the border as the number of migrants continues to surge. A security expect says the measure makes sense. (front page, 2)

"Slovenian exporters defying crisis": Slovenian exporters acknowledge the economy in Europe cooling, but they also see the current crisis as an opportunity. (front page, 8, 9)


Border policing
"Poklukar beefs up police along Croatian border": Interior Minister Boštjan Poklukar says the reinforced police presence along the border does not mean Slovenia is reintroducing police checks on the EU's internal border. (front page, 2)

Court procedures
"Remote trials have become the rule": Remote criminal trials have become commonplace because there are not enough judicial police officers to accompany detained defendants to trial. (front page, 12, 21)


Business after the floods
"How much production have the affected companies relaunched?": Companies hit hard by the flood have gradually restarted production. They are now waiting for state aid and some have already received advance payments. (front page, 2, 3)

"What pays off if you're renting out your flat to tourists in summer and students the rest of the year?": Tax-wise there are no major differences for lessors if they rent out their flat as sole proprietors or as physical persons. (front page, 4, 5)


Government Koroška visit
"Reconstruction as well as development": The government provided encouraging assurances as ministers visited Koroška. The one major issue that remains unresolved is where to deposit all the silt left behind by the waters. (front page, 2, 3)

Travel expenses scandal
"Is the call disputed?": After a scandal over travel expenses, Public Administration Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik faces new questions after a company headed by her former business partner became one of the biggest recipients in a call published by the ministry. (front page, 3)

Public transport
"What the reform of public transport will look like": Maribor plans to reform its public transportation system, including by optimising bus lines and adjusting them to population increases in certain parts of the city. (front page, 14, 15)

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