Daily headlines - Wednesday, 4 October

Ljubljana, 4 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 4 October:


Financing of post-flood reconstruction
"Minister would introduce additional taxes for businesses": The Finance Ministry proposes raising tax on income of legal entities from 19% to 21% in 2024 and then to 22% or even 23% in the years to come. (front page, 3)

Government reshuffle
"Replacements in government ranks": As PM Robert Golob announced he sees Health Ministry State Secretary Valentina Prevolnik Rupel as the next health minister, it became clear that more new faces will join the cabinet, replacing current ministers. (front page, 2)

European Parliament
"Media Freedom Act": The European Parliament has passed with a strong majority the European Media Freedom Act, a novel set of rules to protect media pluralism and independence in the EU. (front page, 5)


New health minister
"Golob finally puts forward a minister": The candidate for health minister is economist Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, current Health Ministry state secretary. (front page, 2, commentary 12)

Motion to oust public administration minister
"Minister Ajanović Hovnik faces ouster motion": Janez Janša announced yesterday that the Democrats (SDS) would file a motion to oust Public Administration Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik. (front page)

Fate of Struge village
"People from Struge live in big uncertainty": Exactly two months since half of the village of Struge in the municipality of Luče turned into an island and people had to be saved from their balconies with helicopters, the villagers do not know whether they can repair their houses or not. (front page, 4)


"Golob biting strong": The government of Robert Golob is announcing a raise in retirement age and higher contributions for pensions. (front page, 2-3)

Sandi Češko's assets
"What Sandi Češko used to own and what he no longer does": Omnichannel direct-to-consumers retailer Studio Moderna filed for bankruptcy at the end of August. The man behind the retailer is Sandi Češko, the richest Slovenian in 2011 and 2012. (front page, 4-5)

Investor Maks
"First six months of investing in shares: What lessons I've learned": Given the rise in shares on the market, investor Maks's only regret six months after he started investing in shares is that he did not start sooner. (front page, 8-9)


Government reshuffles
"Ministers on their way out": Prime Minister Rober Golob gave up two of his ministers and the opposition Democrats (SDS) have announced a motion to oust Public Administration Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik. (front page, 3)

Post-flood pollution
"Silt staying in Koroška, waste going to Žerjav": The latest analysis by the Environment Directorate showed that some 25,000 m3 of silt deposited during the August floods in the Koroška region is hazardous waste due to elevated concentrations of lead. It will be transported to three locations. (front page, 2)

Maribor deputy mayor scandal
"Call for dismissal of deputy mayor rejected": The situation in the Maribor municipality is heating up after the revelation that Deputy Mayor Samo Peter Medved demanded that a document incriminating him be destroyed and then lied about it. (front page, 14)

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