Daily headlines - Friday, 6 October

Ljubljana, 6 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 6 October:


Green public procurement
"Organic farmers at the doors of schools and kindergartens": Most public institutes do not follow the regulations of a decree on green public procurement of food, the first inquiry in this field has shown. (front page, page 3)

Political replacements
"End of political unity": Now it is finally clear that political unity after the August floods is over. The opposition Democrats (SDS) is calling one session of parliamentary committees after another these days. It is also expected to file a motion to oust Public Administration Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik today. (front page, page 2-4)

"Joker Out at Stožice": After two albums, concerts in Cvetličarna and Križanke, Exit and the Eurovision success, Joker Out will take the stage at the sold-out Stožice hall tonight. (front page, page 17)


"Ministries talking, migrants waiting": MPs will discuss today blueprints of two strategies on migration and inclusion of foreigners drafted by the Interior Ministry. (front page, page 2-3)

New lift at Velika Planina
"New six pack ski lift will be cutting-edge": A new six pack ski lift is being set up at Velika Planina this month and the next. The EUR 10 million investment will be co-funded by the EU, which will contribute EUR 7 million. (front page, page 8)


New expressway
"Obstacles on the route of the Third Development Axis": Motorway company DARS has promised to obtain consent from the Water Agency for the issuing of a construction permit for a section of the new planned expressway between Podgorje and Velunje, but things got complicated. (front page, page 17)

Replacement of environment minister
"Why Brežan left": The resignation of Minister of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Uroš Brežan surprised many, but the fact is he had several fronts open from nutrias to the Third Development Axis, a new expressway to connect the north and south of the country. (front page, 3)

New kindergarten
"New kindergarten in Brezje": The Brezje kindergarten in the Maribor municipality that was destroyed in a fire has welcomed children again after renovation. (front page, page 15)

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