Daily headlines - Tuesday, 10 October

Ljubljana, 10 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 10 October:


Financing of post-flood reconstruction
"Croatian tax lesson to Slovenian reconstruction": The damage that Croatia suffered in two earthquakes was much bigger than the one flooding caused in Slovenia, but the neighbouring country has not decided to raise taxes. Rather than financing, coordinating the reconstruction proved to be the biggest challenge there. (front page, 3)

War in Israel
"Preparations for land operation": While Israeli military planes are constantly bombing the Gaza Strip, there are still some isolated clashes between Hamas and the Israeli army in southern Israel. (front page, 5)

"Ljubljana manifesto": One of the main messages Slovenia will bring to Frankfurt Book Fair, presented in the Ljubljana manifesto, stresses the importance of reading at a higher level, with critical thinking. (front page, 17)


War in Israel
"Forceful response of the misled Israel": Israel strongly bombed Gaza yesterday in response to Hamas's attack that claimed more than 900 lives according to the latest data. An army has gathered around Gaza, which is fully blocked, which suggests a land operation is planned. (front page, 6)

Ljubljana projects
"To public path through expropriation": The Constitutional Court has nodded to the arguments of an initiator of a constitutional review who argued that the Ljubljana spatial plan is unconstitutional in the part that interferes with the ownership rights of the owners of housing complex Red House. (front page, 8)


"What politicians are promising and what they are doing": The paper brings an overview of tax legislation changes in the last decade under different governments, showing taxes have been increasing. (front page, 2-3)

Financial stability
"Systemic risks for financial stability have decreased": The autumn report by the central bank on the country's financial stability says that the main risk factor at the moment is inflation and no longer real estate. (front page, 4)

Apartments in Ljubljana
"Simon Maljevac and Črtomir Remec, will you unlock the apartments in Dolgi Most already?": While the government and the Ministry for Solidarity-Based Future promise to build some 20,000 new public apartments to rent in the coming years, they have been unable to rent out the 40 that were built last year in the last ten months. (front page, 14-15)


Children's health
"Parents on sick leave more": Infections started spreading as the new school year started, but paediatricians say that children can still go to school or kindergarten if they cough a little or have a running nose. (front page, 4-5)

Migration policy and war in Israel
"New concerns for Europe": A clash between the Palestinians and Israelis does not bode well for the EU's migration policy. (front page, 2-3)

"Museum's new chapter": The Ptuj-Ormož regional museum celebrates 130 years as a historic milestone amid the many challenges the museum faces. (front page, 16)

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