Daily headlines - Friday, 13 October

Ljubljana, 13 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 13 October:


"Focus on grades, knowledge neglected": A consultation hosted by the Academy of Arts and Sciences (SAZU) heard that teaching focused too much on grades and further aggravated inequality among children. Speakers shared the view that school must regain autonomy. (front page, 3)

Environment commissioner visit
"EU funds also for resilience": The European Commission will continue to help Slovenia but the country should invest in more than just infrastructure, Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius said. (front page, 4)

Koroška water supply
"New water supply system in use in Prevalje": Over 12,000 people in and around Prevalje have a functioning water supply system yet again, two months after the floods and 53 days after construction start. (front page)

Israel war
"Tensions escalating in Gaza": Israel has not yet made a formal decision about a land offensive in Gaza, but it has said that it would remove the entire Hamas leadership. Over 1,300 Palestinians have been killed in air strikes, mostly civilians. (front page, 5)


NGO funding
"Non governmental-governmental minister's friend": Kaja Primorac, a friend of Sanja Ajanović Hovnik, who recently stepped down as public administration minister due to allegations involving the awarding of funds to Primorac's NGO, has worked in many places within the state administration, often in institutions awarding funds to her NGO. Now Primorac and Ajanović Hovnik are coworkers yet again. (front page, 2)

Domestic violence
"One in five perpetrators violate restraining orders": Restraining orders are a fairly effective tool, but there is still room for improvements. Among other things, police officers are not always completely consistent with daily checks-ins with victims. But the frequency does not affect the frequency of violations. (front page, 3 and 14)


Prevalje water supply
"Šumc is back": The completion of the Šumc water supply system in Prevalje brings relief for some 12,000 people in Prevalje and Ravne na Koroškem. The project was completed just in time before winter sets in. (front page, 2)

Maribor airport
"Only cargo, servicing and training": The Maribor airport is set to remain under the management of the state-owned consulting and management company DRI. There seems to be little potential for passenger transport, but servicing, cargo transport and flight training are considered viable options. (front page, 13)

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