Interior Ministry calls for broader definition of human trafficking

Ljubljana, 18 October - The Interior Ministry has called on the Justice Ministry to expand the definition of human trafficking in the Criminal Code at the occasion of the European Anti-trafficking Day. Only criminal charges and convictions will send a strong signal to the society and employers, the ministry said.

The Government Communication Office and the Interior Ministry speak to the press on EU Anti-Trafficking Day.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

The Government Communication Office and the Interior Ministry speak to the press on EU Anti-Trafficking Day.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

Polona Kovač from Društvo Ključ, an association fighting against human trafficking, speaks at a press conference organized by the Government Communication Office and the Interior Ministry on EU Anti-Trafficking Day.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

The Government Communication Office and the Interior Ministry speak to the press on EU Anti-Trafficking Day.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

The Government Communication Office and the Interior Ministry speak to the press on EU Anti-Trafficking Day.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

Ljubljana, novinarsko središče v prostorih vlade RS.
Novinarska konferenca Ukoma in ministrstva za notranje zadeve ob evropskem dnevu boja proti trgovini z ljudmi.
Foto: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

Promo material by the Government Communication Office and the Interior Ministry on Anti-Trafficking Day.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

National coordinator on fight against human trafficking and State Secretary at the Interior Ministry Helga Dobrin speaks at a press conference organized by the Government Communication Office and the Interior Ministry on EU Anti-Trafficking Day.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

Suzana Mašat from the Labour Inspectorate of Slovenia speaks at a press conference organized by the Government Communication Office and the Interior Ministry on EU Anti-Trafficking Day.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

The Government Communication Office and the Interior Ministry speak to the press on EU Anti-Trafficking Day.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

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