Daily headlines - Friday, 20 October

Ljubljana, 20 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 20 October:


Border security
"War will be long, Europe is reinforcing its borders": Europe is rushing to close its borders, fearing an onslaught of new refugees due to the escalating conflict in the Middle East. Slovenia is a part of this trend. (front page, 3)

Cooling of economy
"As orders decline, layoffs start": While Slovenia had the lowest unemployment on record in September, the economy is cooling, order books are shrinking and companies are starting to lay off workers. (front page, 8)

Social dialogue
"Mesec picks unions": The government has adopted amendments to the Employment Relationships Act that are more to the liking of trade unions than employers. Employers said the provision introducing better protection for trade union trustees, if passed, would mean the end of social dialogue. (front page, 4)

Laibach concert in Frankfurt
"New dimensions of music and literature": Laibach performed a musical piece based on the 1930s novel Alamut at the Frankfurt Book Fair last night, in what was the highlight of Slovenia's appearance as the guest of honour at the world's largest book fair. (front page, 17)


Municipal budgeting
"Will mayors now fight among themselves?": Municipalities failed in talks with the government to increase lump sum funding from the national budget. Now they will try to achieve their goal through parliamentary procedure, but it seems municipal associations no longer see eye to eye on how much this funding should increase. (front page, 4)

Traffic in Ljubljana
"New traffic arrangement in neighbourhoods": Ljubljana city council will vote Monday on a local ordinance under which the city would have the power to control traffic inside residential neighbourhoods. (front page, 8)

"Workaholic Zeljković will first sort our Olimpija's defence": Slovenian football champions Olimpija yesterday presented their new coach, Zoran Zeljković, whose first job will be to work on the defence. (front page, 14, 16)


Border checks
"Police officers returning to the border": As of Saturday Slovenian police will conduct checks at the border with Hungary and Croatia. The checks will initially be in place ten days but will be extended, according to Interior Minister Boštjan Poklukar. (front page, 4)

President's policies
"President's problems with minorities": Does President Nataša Pirc Musar have trouble understanding the term homeland? This would appear to be the case considering her recent statements in Trieste, which have upset the minority there. (front page, 2)

Bank crime
"Suspended sentence for former bankers": Romana Pajenk and Milana Lah, former executives at Probanka, have pleaded guilty to business fraud concerning a bank capital increase in 2011 and have received suspended sentences. (front page, 9)

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