Daily headlines - Thursday, 2 November

Ljubljana, 2 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 2 November:


Border checks
"Europe does not want to repeat mistakes of the first wave": Slovenia has reintroduced checks on its borders with Croatia and Hungary due to security threats in the EU and terrorism prevention. Italy has already indicated border checks might last throughout the winter. (front page, 2)

War in Israel and Palestine
"Big humanitarian disaster": The Israeli army has bombed the largest refugee camp in Gaza two consecutive times. The bombing of the Gaza Strip has been going on for the 26th day. (front page, 6)

"Voice against war": War is the most terrible thing that man can cause, Slovenia's first President Milan Kučan said at the 1 November ceremony at the Sveti Urh hill. (front page, 4)


Post-flood reconstruction
"Renovation of houses progressing, levee yet to be rebuilt": In Sneberje, where the Sava River flooded a neighbourhood of prefabricated houses, reconstruction is in full swing. But locals warn that levees and the riverbed have not been repaired since the August floods. (front page, 2, commentary 12)

Pension reform
"How much do we work compared to others in Europe": An average employee in Slovenia will clock 59,417 hours of work in a lifetime, a Bavarian institute has assessed. This is 2,000 hours more than is the EU average. (front page, 4)


"This is how housing loans came crashing down": As interest rate for housing loans surged, new loans were down by a half in the first half of the year. (front page, 2-3)

"Where is the problem with Salus's takeover of Farmadent and how the latter is doing": The paper looks into the delay in Salus's takeover of Farmadent, which started in February after the takeover contract was signed in January. (front page, 6-7)

"For whom Slovenia is introducing 15% minimum tax on profit and why": The Finance Ministry has drafted a bill on minimum corporate income tax which would tax the profits of large domestic and international enterprise groups at 15%. The bill is to be adopted by the end of the year. (front page, 10-11)


Home purchases
"Buying home no longer only with loans": Real estate agents have been noticing that recently increasingly many people are buying apartments or houses with cash rather than with the help of loans, especially when it comes to new buildings. (front page, 2, 6)

"How much for sponsorships and donations": Municipal companies merged in the Maribor Public Holding allocated double the amount of money for sponsorships and donations in the past year than they did in 2021, but not as much as in 2015. (front page, 13)

Wooden bridges
"New wooden bridges are dangerous": Three wooden bridges that were built in Slovenj Gradec months ago have been assessed as being too dangerous for pedestrians because of their inclines. (front page, 18)

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