Daily headlines - Monday, 6 November

Ljubljana, 6 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 6 November:


"Record rise in labour taxes": Slovenia is facing one of the largest tax hikes ever. Labour taxes will increase by 3pps in three years, while the cost of state services charged to the users is also increasing. (front page, 4)

Extreme weather
"Rocks on Piran streets, floods and landslides": Rocks from the Piran sea wall were forced onto the city streets by a strong storm for the second time in three days Saturday night. The rain also caused some flooding and landslides. (front page)


Party funding
"Want a concession? Advertise in SDS media": At least four companies that were granted waterways management concessions under the Janez Janša government advertised in media with links to the SDS in exchange. (front page, 2)

Ljubljana city budget
"Investments cut by EUR 30m": The Ljubljana City Council will be debating the third supplementary budget for 2023 at its November session. The document cuts expected revenue by EUR 35 million. (front page, 7)


"Why inflation in Slovenia is much higher than in the euro zone": One of the reasons for high inflation in Slovenia is rising salaries. The increases in Slovenia were the highest of all EU member states in the first half of the year. (front page, 4 and 5)

Hospital results
"Like day and night": The Ljubljana UKC hospital is EUR 29 million in the red, while the Maribor UKC hospital is EUR 3 million in the black. (front page, 2 and 3)


"The higher the inflation, the higher the needs": The government is failing at reining in the inflation and should not be surprised that people want higher pay, social transfers and pensions. (front page, 2 and 3)

Prison guards
"100 prison guards too few": There is a shortage of 100 prison guards in Slovenian prisons. So far this year, they had to cancel accompanying prisoners, mostly to court, 1,000 times. But there are no solutions on the horizon as yet. (front page, 3)

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