Daily headlines - Tuesday, 7 November

Ljubljana, 7 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 7 November:


Food safety
"Administration says food safety has not decreased": After a scandal over non-informing the public about pesticides found in fruit this summer, the Administration for Food Safety has changed its notification procedure, so the number of notifications about food products not meeting safety standards has increased. (front page, 4)

DARS resignation
"Valentin Hajdinjak steps down": Valentin Hajdinjak offered his resignation as chairman of the board of the national motorway company DARS as the supervisory board met on Monday to discuss recent media reports about alleged corruption at DARS. (front page, 2)

War in Gaza
"Month of mass dying": Since Hamas members broke into south Israel from Gaza a month ago and killed 1,400 Israelis, at least 10,000 Palestinians, 40% of whom were children, have died in the retaliation attacks. (front page, 5)


Public administration pay system
"Has Golob's team forgotten about the pay reform?": The government has until 1 January 2024 to adopt a new bill on the public administration pay system in cooperation with trade unions. But there has been no negotiations for almost a month. (front page, 3)

Government formation in Poland
"Polish opposition first in line": Incumbent Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has become prime minister designate, but he faces a mission impossible as all other parties refuse to work with him. Opposition leader Donald Tusk, who had hoped he would become PM designate, will have to wait and see how things unfold. (front page)


Real estate prices
"How much do houses in Slovenia's biggest towns sell for": In the first six months of the year, the median price of houses in Slovenia went up by EUR 6,000. The largest hike was recorded south of Ljubljana, where it went up by EUR 37,000. (front page, 14-15)

Ljubljana public transport
"Urbana system: Another EUR 9,000 for card rides": Public Transport Ljubljana (LPP) will have to spend another EUR 9,000 in the next five years to enable passengers to pay for bus rides with their bank cards. (front page, 6)

Changes to labour legislation
"Which changes to Employment Relationships Act you should not oversee": The paper brings details from the changes to the Employment relationships Act that MPs will take a revote on today after a veto by the upper chamber. (front page, 2-3)


Traffic safety campaign
"For greater traffic safety": The Traffic Safety Agency (AVP) and the European Transport Safety Council are hosting an international conference today focussing on alcohol interlocks and other strategies to prevent drunk driving. (front page, 3)

Government reshuffle
"Which ministers will Golob dismiss": The junior coalition SocDems and the Left are not happy about the planned government reshuffle and merging of ministers. (front page, 2)

Carrots with high levels of cadmium
"Cadmium found in carrots in Celje": Not only in Cerklje, elevated concentration of cadmium in carrots was discovered also at the Celje market place weeks ago. (front page, 17)

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