Daily headlines - Monday, 13 November

Ljubljana, 13 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 13 November:


Govt's declining ratings
"Yellow card for the government, PM and Freedom Movement": The latest public opinion has shown the support to the ruling Freedom Movement plummet to a mere 14.4%. The share of respondents who support the government is the lowest on record and PM Robert Golob slipped to the 19th, penultimate place in the popularity rankings. (front page, 2)

Managing migration
"Boštjan Perne, security expert": A sovereign country must know how to regulate migration so as to prevent the rise of the far right or a complete chaos, says Boštjan Perne, a security expert. (front page, 3)

War in Gaza
"Hospitals under hail of missiles": The Israeli army has been penetrating deeper into the Gaza area this weekend. Israel claims to have opened corridors for people who want to leave three hospitals, but staff there warns that those who want to leave risk being hit by Israeli bombs and snipers. (front page, 5)


Overcrowded hospitals
"There is not enough room any more for all the infected in some hospitals": This autumn, many patients whose underlying conditions have deteriorated because of seasonal infections need hospitalisation. Contagious disease contribute even to more falls, so finding a bed for a patient has become increasingly challenging. (front page, 2)

Ljubljana traffic
"Traffic arrangement around passenger centre could be improved": The Coalition for Sustainable Transport Policy, an informal association, welcomed the Ljubljana municipality's efforts to improve the traffic arrangement around the planned new passenger centre in Ljubljana but stressed that several other improvements should still be made. (front page, 6)


Working hours records
"How to keep track of working hours of field workers, those on business trips, students, foreign workers": Companies have another week to get ready for new rules on keeping records of the working hours of all workers. (front page, 2-3)

"New tax uncertainty: Solidarity in paying taxes": The Tax Procedure Act does not state clearly what constitutes tax avoidance, the Constitutional Court has said. (front page, 4)

"EUR 265m for recovery paid out - where did most of the money go": Until mid-October EUR 265.4 million had been paid out for projects financed based on the recovery and resilience plan. Most of the money went for railways. (front page, 12-13)


Ski resorts
"Novelties for skiers": Nine Slovenian ski centres - Kope, Trije Kralji, Velika Planina, Vogel, Krvavec, Golte, Rogla, Mariborsko Pohorje and Cerkno - had to finish their investments in ski lifts for which they received state and EU funds in what is the largest state investment in ski lifts so far. (front page, 2-3)

Večer's new premises
"Večer moving, staff opposing the move": The management and owners of Večer want the publisher to move into offices owned by the Maribor mayor, with journalists warning that this in unacceptable. (front page, 4)

Teachers trial
"Two teachers face retrial": A court of appeal has repealed a ruling finding a psychology teacher and his wife, also a teacher, guilty of severe psychological and physical domestic violence. (front page, 9)

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