Daily headlines - Tuesday, 14 November

Ljubljana, 14 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 14 November:


Judges' pay
"New idea for raising judges' pay": Justice Minister Dominika Švarc Pipan has indicated that an interim solution was in the making regarding judges' pay that would eliminate unconstitutionality until a systemic solution is found. (front page, 2)

War in Gaza
"Unbearable situation": Because of Israeli shelling of Gaza the evacuation of hospitals in the Palestinian enclave is virtually impossible. (front page, 5)

"That's all they know: Going to Copenhagen for victory": The best Slovenian football players are counting the last days to the peak of qualifications for the European championship in Germany. (front page, 13)


Vzajemna overhaul
"Privatisation or bankruptcy instead of mutual gain?": Transforming Vzajemna from a mutual insurance company into a public company is constitutionally questionable, Vzajemna believes. An economist warns that it also goes against the plan to strengthen public healthcare. (front page, 2)

Ljubljana budget
"EUR 12m for apartments in two years": Ljubljana city councillors will confirm the city's budget for the next two years as well as a supplementary budget for this year on Monday. Investments in the next two years are to reach EUR 440 million. (front page, 8)


Emergency healthcare bill
"Restricting sick leave compensation, bigger burden for employers, almost no benefits for insured persons": The Health Ministry led by Valentina Prevolnik Rupel has drawn up a proposal for a new emergency bill for healthcare that is to be fast-tracked through parliament. (front page, 2-3)

Treasury bills
"How much more money will Croats earn for lending money to the state?": An auction was to be held today for the state to issue treasury bills but the event has been cancelled. Meanwhile, the Croatian government has announced higher returns and no costs for the citizens who are lending money to the state. (front page, 4)

Kranj real estate
"Some 500 apartments being built in Kranj along with other projects": In Kranj, almost 500 new apartments will be placed on the market in the next couple of years and another 400 by 2026. (front page, 14-15)


Strike at administrative units
"No clerks, while customers are waiting": A one-day strike has been announced at seven administrative units for tomorrow. The number of administrative procedures has been constantly increasing while the number of employees at administrative units has not followed suit. (front page, 2)

Govt ratings
"Promises yes, reforms no": The paper looks at the reasons why the support to the ruling Freedom Movement and Prime Minister Robert Golob has plunged. (front page, 3)

Opposition to wind farms
"They don't want a view of wind farms": Dravske Elektrarne Maribor, a hydro-power company, plans to set up a wind farm at the Košenjak mountain despite opposition from the local community. (front page, 17)

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