Daily headlines - Wednesday, 15 November

Ljubljana, 15 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 15 November:


New labour rules
"New recording of work hours brings confusion": New rules on work hours recording, taking effect on 20 November, bring a number of new provisions and raise many issues. (front page, 4)

"Hospital turning into cemetery": Israel is continuing its military land and air campaign in Gaza. The area around the Al Shifa hospital has become a cemetery: a mass grave reportedly holds some 170 remains. More than a half of the hospitals in Gaza have shut down, while the rest can barely function. (front page, 5)

Healthcare emergency bill
"Lower sick leave compensation and other changes": By tabling an emergency bill with changes to the healthcare legislation, the government is trying to prove that it had not sidetracked healthcare. (front page, 3)


Influencing police force
"Improper meetings behind boss's back": Darko Muženič, the head of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has met with the then Minister of Public Administration Sanja Ajanović Hovnik without the knowledge of his superior, Commissioner Boštjan Lindav. (front page, 3)

Traffic chaos in Ljubljana
"Police officers and stewards in two critical intersections": After weeks of road chaos in Ljubljana city centre in the afternoons, Mayor Zoran Janković announced that police officers and stewards will be managing traffic in several busy intersections. But the worst is yet to come with the start of the construction of the new passenger centre. (front page, 8)


Work hour recording rules
"Records, Part 2": The paper looks into the new rules on work hour records for people working outside HQ, students, work trips and foreign workers, among others. (front page-3)

"New fiscal uncertainty": Even though one has paid all taxes, it is not a given that the Tax Administration will not burden the payer with a solidarity tax. (front page, 4)


Postal service operator
"Layoffs and tracking": Trade unions representing the employees of Pošta Slovenije claim that the national postal operator is planning to lay off 200 people next year and was illegally tracking the postmen and women. (front page, 3)

Farming in Prekmurje and Podravje
"Growing sugar beets and malt": Farmers in the east are growing sugar beets, all of which is exported to Croatia, as well as malted barley, which they sell to a French cooperative that supplies a Dutch brewer. (front page, 16)

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