Daily headlines - Monday, 20 November

Ljubljana, 20 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 20 November:


Real estate
"High prices driving away buyers": The index of apartment prices in Slovenia in the third quarter of the year is the same as in the previous quarter, but the number of transactions continues to drop, preliminary data by Arvio shows. (front page, 3)

2024 and 2025 budgets
"Budgets for 2024 and 2025 going to the National Assembly": MPs will start a plenary tomorrow discussing the budget proposals for the next two years. A vote on them will be held on Wednesday. (front page, 2)

"Aspirations for breaking up the coalition": NSi head Matej Tonin opened a debate about the possibility of forming a new coalition within this term on Saturday. The three coalition parties called this wishful thinking. (front page, 2)

Middle East war
"Volker Türk: This is incomprehensible": UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk strongly criticised yesterday the violent Israeli attacks on schools in Gaza and on civilians feeing the area of conflict. (front page)

Film festival award
"Three Thousand Numbered Pieces wins Kingfisher Award": Three Thousand Numbered Pieces, a 2022 drama by Hungarian director Adam Csaszi, won the Kingfisher Award, the main accolade at the Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe). (front page, 4)


Government support ratings
"The bigger you are the higher you fall": As many as 56.5% of respondents in the latest Vox Populi poll assessed the Robert Golob government as unsuccessful and the PM lost eight spots in the politicians popularity rankings. (front page, 2-3)

Film festival award
"Kingfisher Award goes to fierce Hungarian black comedy": The Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe) concluded on Saturday with an award winning ceremony. The main award went to a Hungarian film. (front page, 8-9, commentary 12)


Obligatory recording of working time
"Five questions as record keeping becomes obligatory": The paper presents the new rules for companies regarding recording the working time of employees, which stepped into force today. (front page, 4)

"January and new obligatory health contribution are approaching. What are the problems with preparations": The abolishing of supplementary health contribution is only a month and a half away. A new obligatory monthly contribution, totalling EUR 35 will be introduced instead. (front page, 2-3)

Telekom Slovenije
"Boštjan Košak, Telekom: We will say more about possible sale of infrastructure by the end of the year": The paper runs an interview with Boštjan Košak, who has been running telco Telekom Slovenije for just over a year. (front page, 6-7)


Screening programmes in healthcare
"They prevent many deaths": There is one segment of the Slovenian healthcare that works very well and this is preventive screening programmes. Slovenia is one of the few European countries that have screening programmes for early discovery of three types of cancer - breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer.(front page, 2-3)

"The largest group of voters": Who are the voters who like to move to the group of undecided voters and what message are they sending to the ruling politicians, the paper wonders. (front page, 3)

"Only a step away from paradise": Slovenia lost to Denmark 1:2 in the Euro 2024 qualifying on Friday and will face Kazakhstan today in a bid to qualify for the Euro. (front page, 2, 13-14)

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