Daily headlines - Tuesday, 21 November

Ljubljana, 21 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 21 November:


"Slovenia back to Euro after a quarter century": Slovenia defeated Kazakhstan at the packed Stožice Stadium to qualify for the European Football Championship after 24 years. (front page, 13)

"After Janša, watchdog now targets Golob": The Commission for the Prevention of Corruption has launched a probe against PM Robert Golob on suspicion that he exerted improper pressure on the former interior minister. (front page, 2)

Peer violence
"More peer violence": TOM, a helpline for children, has been recording an increasing number of calls related to peer violence. This year such calls rose by 23%. (front page, 3)


"Euro 2024, here we come!": Slovenia has qualified for the Euro after 24 years by defeating Kazakhstan 2:1 on home turf yesterday. (front page, 12-14)

Cattle seizure
"Seizure of muddy cattle triggers war of words": A war of words has broken out over the recent seizure of cattle from a farmer, pitting farmers against activists. But the inspector who ordered the seizure has also been in the spotlight. (front page, 2)


Apartment rental
"Is the end of AirBnB in Slovenia near?": New legislation being drawn up by the Economy Ministry would curtail short-term rentals and allow local communities to set stricter limits. (front page, 2, 3)

Realtor fees
"Limits on realtor fees virtually gone": The Constitutional Court has repealed the provision of a law that capped realtor fees, but the cap will still apply to contracts signed by buyers. (front page, 14)


Pharma industry
"Farewell of Lek Prevalje": By the end of the year Lek's plant in Prevalje will finally shut down. Around 200 will be laid off, but the demand for manufacturing workers in the region remains strong. (front page, 17)

Hospital investment
"Oncology upgrade": The building of the Maribor hospital's oncology department is being renovated. Completion is scheduled for 2025. (front page, 13)

EU election
"SLS aiming for NSi votes with Gregorčič": Conservative parties will not join forces for the EU elections. Even the People's Party (SLS) will go alone, its slate headed by former chair of the RTV Slovenija council Peter Gregorčič. (front page, 2, 3)

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