Daily headlines - Friday, 24 November

Ljubljana, 24 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 24 November:


Relationship between PM and president
"Cold between Pirc Musar and Golob": Prime Minister Robert Golob and President Nataša Pirc Musar have not met since September. While a statement from the president's office suggests the next meeting might take place in December, the PM's office avoided commenting on a date. Them not meeting is a problem when it comes to smooth running of the country. (front page, 2)

Flood damage
"New temporary bridge - for permanent use": A mobile bridge donated by Sweden was opened in Črna na Koroškem more than three months after the region was hit by devastating floods. (front page)

Budget vote
"No answers yet in voting saga": The National Assembly will continue a plenary suspended late on Wednesday, after coalition MPs complained that the official voting result was different from their actual votes. National Assembly President Urška Klakočar Zupančič said a glitch occurred between the hardware and software, but some doubt this is the case. (front page, 2)


Prosecution of sexual violence
"Another gang rape without court epilogue": Two gang rape cases at two different courts have resulted in acquittals for most of the suspects. (front page, 3)

National Assembly voting
"Glitch in voting devices has MPs raising hands once again": After protestations from coalition MPs that the voting device did not record their votes against an opposition-sponsored motion, a glitch was confirmed yesterday. The plenary will continue today. (front page, 2)


Best businesses 2023
"Podravje champions": The newspaper Večer declared the best companies of the year for the Podravje region, with the awards going to Impol, Systemair, Oikos Housing, Bioles Horizont and Snaga Maribor. (front page, 4 and 5)

National Assembly voting
"What is happening in the legislature?": Several MPs of the Freedom Movement claim that their votes against an opposition-sponsored motion had been recorded as abstained or not present. (front page, 2)

Animal cruelty
"Beating animals with sticks": A group of minors from the Slovenj Gradec area beat animals and filmed themselves. One of them has already been involved in a similar case. Police are calling on people to report such instances. (front page, 16)

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