Daily headlines - Wednesday, 29 November

Ljubljana, 29 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 29 November:


Deployment of solar
"Inundated with applications for rooftop solar": Electricity distributors are inundated with applications for rooftop solar as people rush to submit applications before the end of the year to still be eligible for annually measures net metering, which will no longer be available as of next year. (front page, 3)

Heart surgery at Celje hospital
"Escalation of battle with surgeon": Heart surgeon Tomislav Klokočovnik has launched an administrative dispute after the Health Ministry thwarted his plans to perform heart surgery at the Celje General Hospital. In the time the back and forth has been ongoing, he could have operated on 130 patients. (front page, 3)

"Lightness of approach": Ridley Scott's Napoleon biopic is riddled with misleading and made-up scenes that have irked not just historians but also film critics and audiences. (front page, 13)

Forest ecology
"For whom the bell tolls in forests": Long-term research of tree species composition in Slovenian forests shows that beech is becoming increasingly dominant, whereas fir, which is very sensitive to pollution, is disappearing. (front page, 14)


Traffic in Ljubljana
"The capital in for a major test": Traffic in Ljubljana is likely to be chaotic at the start of the year as construction of a new overpass over Dunajska Street, east of the train station, starts. This is the first phase of construction of a new passenger terminal. (front page, 2, 3, 12)

"Infections surging, record wave in Austria": Austria is experiencing a Covid wave that sewage testing indicates it the worst the country has ever had. In Slovenia the situation is not as bad yet, but there is scant interest in vaccination, even in high-risk groups. (front page, 3)


"How inflation impacts Slovenia's entertainment industry": Event organisers say that despite high inflation, Slovenians are not skimping when it comes to spending on entertainment. (front page, 2, 3)

"Avantpack ups production of biodegradable bags to two billion with new production line": Avantpack has bought a new production hall and installed the most cutting-edge machine in the industry to up annual production of biodegradable bags to two billion. (front page, 4)

Sick leave red tape
"New bureaucratic burden for employers": Recent changes to the labour relationship law have introduced a new kind of leave - five days a year - for caring for elderly family members. Employers are supposed to determine eligibility, but the Information Commissioner says they do not have the capacity to do that. (front page, 13)


Real estate business
"No more cap on commission": The Constitutional Court has recently scrapped legislative provisions that capped the commission real estate agents were allowed to charge. The industry has welcomed the move, but there is concern now that commissions will surge. (front page, 5)

HSE cyberattack
"Attack on HSE a sobering moment": The cyberattack on power utility HSE highlights how vulnerable various processes are becoming as digitalisation spreads. Experts say small and medium-sized companies in particular are not well prepared. (front page, 2, 3)

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