Daily headlines - Friday, 1 December

Ljubljana, 1 December - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 1 December:


"Chinese app on European black list": The Chinese-owned social network TikTok remains off limits for EU officials, who are not allowed to install it on their phones. Despite that, EU institutions are looking for ways to reach youths on the platform. (front page, 5)

NLB expansion
"NLB expanding in the region": NLB bank has acquired Summit Leasing, which not only strengthens its leasing activity, it also gives it a foothold in the Croatian market. (front page, 8)

Punk in photos
"Slovenian punk and photography soon on show": A photo exhibition in Cankarjev Dom that opens on 4 December will feature works by 15 photographers who captured Slovenian punk performers in the 1970s and 1980s. (front page)


Government reshuffle
"Whom Golob will install as new ministers": Prime Minister Robert Golob yesterday presented his candidates for ministers to coalition partners. The names are supposed to be made public today. (front page, 3)

Foreign language instruction
"Foreign language soon for first graders": The government has confirmed amendments to the Act on primary School that introduce a mandatory foreign language in the first grade. (front page, 2)

Ravnikar exhibition
"Central exhibition on the great architect": The Museum of Architecture and Design last night launched the main event dedicated to the architect Edvard Ravnikar, an exhibition which spotlights his creative process. (front page)


Festive season
"Maribor aglow": Thousands flooded the main square as Christmas lights were turned on in Maribor last night and the Christmas market opened. (front page, 15)

Company results
"Cinkarna will expand at home": Chemical company Cinkarna Celje had long thought about expanding in Serbia. Now they have decided to instead expand production in Celje, the management said as it laid out a five-year strategy. (front page, 18)

Ministerial nominations
"Unionist warning to Props": Freedom MP Franc Props is slated to become the next public administration minister. Trade unionist Branimir Štrukelj received the news with the warning that now is not the time for on-the-job training. (front page, 3)

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