Daily headlines - Wednesday, 6 December

Ljubljana, 6 December - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 6 December:


Christmas bonus
"In many companies, Christmas bonus higher than last year": Trade unions expect that about as many companies as last year will pay out Christmas bonuses. Many will hand out higher bonuses than last year, some as high as EUR 5,000. (front page, 9)

German-Slovenian relations
"EU enlargement is a necessity": EU enlargement to Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia is a necessity, Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon and Germany's Annalena Baerbock agreed as they met in Ljubljana yesterday. (front page, 5)

Public broadcaster
"Cuts at RTV Slovenija": According to a draft production plan for 2024, the management of RTV Slovenija plans to cut several major TV and radio shows to save money. The summer Olympics and the Euro 2024 do not have a final green light either. (front page, 2)


Electricity prices
"Using a toaster can get expensive": As of June, when a new way of charging network fee enters into force, households can expect significantly higher electricity bills. In winter in particular the difference will be stark. (front page, 5)

Public broadcaster
"Additional millions are far from enough": Despite additional financial support, RTV Slovenija faces deep cuts next year. The management hopes the government will realise systemic financing must be sorted out. (front page, 2)

German foreign minister's visit
"Bridges with Germany more than just symbolic": Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon and Germany's Annalena Baerbock have agreed to deepen cooperation in areas such as automotive industry and space technology. Both countries are in favour of EU enlargement and continue supporting Ukraine. (front page, 6)


Interest rates
"Six-month Euribor at 4%. Where do the markets see it in a year?": The six-month Euribor rate, which Slovenian banks typically use for flexible rate loans, has dropped below 4%. Futures markets see it at roughly 2.6% in a year. (front page, 5)

Holiday rentals
"These are the minuses of government's crackdown on AirBnB": If the government limits holiday rentals as strictly as it is currently planning to, this will not only effectively end AirBnB in Slovenia, it will have unintended consequences on pensioners and tax receipts. (front page, 6)


Slovenian-Hungarian relations
"Presidents strengthening ties": President Nataša Pirc Musar and her Hungarian counterpart Katalin Novak met in Prekmurje to confirm that both countries are taking good care of their respective minorities. But for Hungary, caring for its minorities is more than just diplomatic courtesy. (front page, 2)

Public broadcaster
"Severe belt tightening": A leaked draft of RTV Slovenija's production programme for next year shows severe belt tightening is on the horizon with many TV and radio shows slated to be cut and staff numbers reduced. (front page, 3)

Investments in Maribor
"Boscarol plans new investments": Businessman Ivo Boscarol has already invested heavily in real estate in Maribor and now has plans to dab in tourism in Pohorje. (front page, 13)

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