Daily headlines - Monday, 11 December

Ljubljana, 11 December - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 11 December:


"Negotiators under pressure of lobbyists and ecologists": Climate activists, the most vulnerable countries and groups of climate-ambitious countries demand agreements that would bring a swift and fair elimination of fossil fuels, but the pressure from the largest producers of fossil fuels is intensifying. (front page, 3)

Ski jumping
"Slovenian eagles getting closer to podium": Slovenians are getting better as the highlight of the new Ski Jumping World Cup Season is approaching, with Anže Lanišek and Lovro Kos sharing fourth place in Germany' Klingenthal yesterday. (front page, 3)

Public opinion poll
"Logar on top of list": Democrats (MP) Anže Logar, the former foreign minister and runner-up in the presidential race last year, has been propelled to the top of the most popular politicians compiled by Mediana. The ratings of the ruling Freedom Movement party are still declining. (front page, 2)


"Criticism of merger of Ljubljana kindergartens": The Ljubljana city council is to decide next week on the proposal to merge the 23 kindergartens in the municipality into a single institute. Critics say that this would severely limit parents and employees from participating in decision-making. (front page, 3)

Energy law
"Golob would ban heating on gas and oil": The government has adopted a reform energy bill that is expected to considerably change the manner in which heating of buildings will be provided. Jurist Rajko Pirnat is convinced that the key proposed solutions are unconstitutional. (front page, 3)


"How to become attractive employer for young people": More than half of young people would like to get full-time employment once they finish studying, and a fifth would like to have a business of their own. The paper analyses what employers should offer to attract and retain them. (front page, 2-3)

Real estate rental
"What FURS will learn about you if you rent rooms": Online platforms will start to report to local tax authorities in January, and tax authorities will exchange data in February. Data must be provided also by operators of large platforms, such as Wolt, Amazon, Booking and Airbnb. (front page, 6-7)

"Patients' medical reports closed by Medical Faculty laboratories and NLZOH": The paper continues the story about patients not being able to look into "sensitive" results of their microbiological and histopathological examinations for the first 30 days, saying that the "paternalist" attitude of laboratories and doctors is apparently also supported by the Health Ministry. (front page, 5)


Christmas bonuses
"Christmas bonuses for pensioners. What about employees?": More than 100,000 employees in Slovenian companies will receive some kind of bonus at the end of the year, with the average payout being around EUR 1,000. A winter bonus ranging from EUR 58 to EUR 182 will also be paid out for the first time to pensioners. (front page, 2-3)

"Tripling of nuclear capacity": In order to achieve the goal to which Slovenia has also committed, around 600 new nuclear reactors would have to be built around the world by 2050. (front page, 4)

Medical malpractice trial
"Three surgeons on trial": Surgeons Branko Breznikar, Zlatan Tkalec and Jana Pečovnik are on trial in Celje for medical malpractice accusations over the death of a patient in 2010. The accused claim that the unexpected complication following a small intestine surgery was caused by one of the most persistent hospital bacteria. (front page, 4)

Sport climbing
"Also for training of champion". A state-of-the-art sport climbing centre was opened last week in Prevalje (N), offering facilities for all three types of climbing on 2,200 sq metres of surfaces. Slovenia's climbing star Janja Garnbret intends to train there for the next Summer Olympics. (front page, 7)

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