Daily headlines - Wednesday, 13 December

Ljubljana, 13 December - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 13 December:


Humanitarian mission
"Slovenians and Italians together off coast of Gaza": Slovenia is offering to assist Italy in an initiative for healthcare and humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians. Several scenarios are in play, among them a military vessel with a hospital onboard. Prime ministers Robert Golob and Giorgia Meloni discussed this in Rome a while ago. (front page, 3)

Koper-Divača track
"Project of a generation and a construction feat": One of the most demanding railway bridges on the Koper-Divača track has been completed. The milestone was marked as Prime Minister Robert Golob, Infrastructure Minister Alenka Bratušek and European Commission Representation head Jerneja Jug Jerše visited the construction site. (front page, 9)

COP 28
"New climate change deal draft expected today": The UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28) has been prolonged for a day but an agreement is not in sight. A new draft agreement was presented yesterday afternoon. It will become clear today whether it is more ambitious than the previous one. (front page, 3)


COP 28
"What fate lies ahead for fossil fuels": Even though the president of the UN Climate Change Conference Sultan al-Jaber announced the signing of an agreement for yesterday, UN member states have not been able to put together a draft that would be to everyone's satisfaction. Meanwhile, the residents from the most endangered places on the planet have not given up hope that the document would seal the fate of fossil fuels. (front page, 2 and 12)

Road safety
"Turning right at red light can be confusing": In the US, the first country to introduce the possibility of turning right at the red light, there is a debate about abolishing this due to an increase in fatalities among pedestrians. In Slovenia, where this has been an option at some junctions for about two years, the complaints are limited to honking when a person does not decide to turn. (front page, 10)


"Bought an apartment and deducted input VAT? FURS is checking": You can only deduct VAT when buying an apartment if you conduct business at the property from which you pay VAT. (front page, 2 and 3)

Bank bailout
"Decade after bank bailout. How are banks doing today?": Yesterday marked a decade since Slovenia's massive bank bailout. The paper provides an overview of the past ten years and the current situation. (front page, 4 and 5)


Ski lift
"Comfortable, fast and for sale": The Rogla ski resort boasts a new and modern six-seater ski lift and the longest flying coaster in the world. The resort, which is for sale, has already attracted interest from potential buyers. (front page, 2 and 18)

Illegal migration
"Croatia pointing finger at Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina": Interior Minister Boštjan Poklukar has hosted his counterparts from the members of the Salzburg Forum to discuss the notable influx in illegal migration. (front page, 2)

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