Daily headlines - Monday, 18 December

Ljubljana, 18 December - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 18 December:


"Doctors leaving, departments closing": So many doctors and nurses have left Slovenian hospitals and community health centres in the last few years that patients are no longer receiving proper care, according to a survey by a group of doctors called Young Doctors. (front page, 3)

Diplomats' gathering
"Year of Slovenian diplomacy": Slovenian diplomats gathered for their annual consultations ahead of the country's stint on the UN Security Council. Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon said that Slovenia will be successful if its diplomats are professional, active and highly motivated. (front page, 2)

Winter sports
"Winter athletes finally find their bearing": Slovenian winter athletes waited for weeks for the first successes, and this weekend the fans were treated to four podium positions in Alpine skiing and ski jumping. (front page, 9)


Serbian election
"SNS wins in Serbia, but not necessarily in Belgrade": President Aleksandar Vučić's Serbian National Party (SNS) has convincingly won the general election yet again. But just like in the snap election last year, there are reports of hundreds of irregularities and electoral fraud. (front page, 5, 12)

Public opinion
"Decline in Golob's support stops, but at a very low level": The latest public opinion poll by Dnevnik shows the decline in ratings for Prime Minister Robert Golob's party has stopped, albeit at a very low level. All parties were mostly level compared to a month ago. (front page, 2, 3)


Capital gains tax
"Differences in payment of tax on real estate and stock": Not all capital gains is taxed the same. The taxation is different depending on whether it is for real estate or stock, and the period of ownership affects the tax rate as well. (front page, 49

Central bank interest rates
"ECB and Fed keep interest rates unchanged": The European Central Bank and the US Fed have kept key interest rates unchanged. However, ECB boss Christine Lagarde said there was no talk about cuts either. (front page, 2, 3)


"How much the pride of Maribor is worth": The Branik Ski Club from Maribor has sold the rights to the Golden Fox brand to the Ski Association for a year for EUR 20,000. While the club is in a dire financial situation, many members feel the price is nevertheless too low. (front page, 14, 15)

Holiday season in Maribor
"Time for imagination, workshops and fairy tales": Elf City opened in Maribor this weekend as part of Christmas celebrations for all those who want to spend the end of the year with music, dance and exploration. (front page, 6)

Former president
"Pahor returning to labour market": For Borut Pahor, the benefits incumbent on former presidents end on Saturday. He is the first president who will not retire directly after the end of the term, which begs the question of whether Slovenia takes good care of former heads of state. (front page, 2, 3)

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