Daily headlines - Friday, 22 December

Ljubljana, 22 December - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 22 December:


Holiday spending
"Most spend up to EUR 200 on presents": Most Slovenians are frugal when it comes to Christmas gifts. Slovenians spent some EUR 130 million on Black Friday, an overture to Christmas shopping. (front page, 3)

RTV Slovenija cuts
"Only half-year plan adopted": The council of public broadcaster RTV Slovenija adopted a financial plan for next year, which plans for substantial cuts, above all in the second half of the year. Council president Goran Forbici sees it as a half-year plan. (front page, 3)


Rail accident
"Workers allegedly did not know train was coming": It is unclear why a passenger train ran into a group of rail workers, killing two and seriously injuring two others. Initial information indicate that the group had not been aware that the train was approaching. (front page, 2 and 14)

Pohorje wind farm
"Nine negative opinions but the investor pushes on": Nine relevant institutions have so far issued negative opinions or demands for additional documentation in the construction permit procedure for a wind farm in the Pohorje hills. The investor continues to supplement its application in attempts to get the green light. (front page, 4)


Covid vaccines
"Covid vaccines in trash": Slovenia has thrown away over three million doses of Covid vaccines, while the EU threw out a total of 215 million doses at an alleged cost of EUR 4 billion. (front page, 4)

Prague killing spree
"Shocking massacre in Prague": An armed man killed 15 people at the Prague university, injuring nearly 30. (front page, 6)

Rail accident
"Train runs into maintenance crew": The cause for the accident in which a train killed two maintenance workers is yet unclear. The railway operator says it seems the group had not known the train was approaching. (front page, 8)

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