Daily headlines - Wednesday, 27 December

Ljubljana, 27 December - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 27 December:


Approval ratings
"The Golob government with higher ratings than the previous two": The Robert Golob government's approval rating has stabilised at a low level, but its average rating is still higher than those of the previous two. More than a third of voters are undecided. (front page, page 2)

Public procurement infringement
"Fine for NIJZ and Milan Krek": The court has slapped the public health authority NIJZ and its former director Milan Krek with a fine of EUR 40,000 and EUR 1,000, respectively, for breaching public procurement rules in a EUR 2 million deal during the Covid epidemic. (front page, page 3)

"Father Frost is in the capital": Father Frost and his entourage of fairy-tale creatures visited Ljubljana yesterday. The procession will be held every day at 5pm through Saturday. Visitors can also enjoy an ongoing street theatre festival. (front page)


"Slovenian Railways between cruel reality and wishful thinking": The Slovenian Railways should play an essential part in Slovenia's green transition, but the national rail operator is far from reaching its ambitious targets, according to unofficial sources. (front page, page 2)

"Vučić taking it easy on Prishtina, but not also on protesters": Protests against alleged electoral fraud in Serbia are held every evening. Serbia has now vowed to allow vehicles with Kosovo license plates to enter, a move that could be interpreted as Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić trying to get the EU to be more forgiving regarding the contentious election. (front page, page 6)


"Slovenians' most expensive cars in 2023": Unveiling the list of top 30 most expensive cars in Slovenia in 2023, the newspaper notes that the number one, the Ferrari SF90 Stradale, cost a supplier almost EUR 800,000 and is now on the market for EUR 900,000. (front page, page 6)

"Taxes in 2024 - the wedge will grow stronger": There will be no tax reliefs in employment or business next year, instead the tax wedge will grow even stronger with higher taxes and new contributions. (front page, pages 2-3)

Real estate
"Slovenian market gets even colder, the German one is sinking": The Slovenian real estate market got additionally colder in the third quarter of the year, and the number of deals continues to decline. (front page, page 5)


"No strictness regarding directors' salaries": Directors of mostly state-owned companies earned from EUR 100,000 to EUR 1.4 million gross last year, with Jože Colarič, chairman of the pharmaceutical company Krka, the most well-paid director in 2022. (front page, page 3)

EU elections
"He is tempted by double-bill elections": Kočevje Mayor Vladimir Prebilič, who ran for president last year, is considering running in next year's European elections, but he is also eyeing the 2026 general election in Slovenia. (front page, page 2)

"Anyone can help": A waiter in a Maribor restaurant hosted a Christmas dinner for families in need with the help of sponsors and friends. (front page, page 13)

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