Daily headlines - Friday, 5 January

Ljubljana, 5 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 5 January:


"Less work on roads, more on railways": Construction officials are happy with last year but are concerned about the lower number of public orders for this year. (front page, 8)

PM's assets
"Golob is now owner of energy company": Two officials of the ruling Freedom Movement reported changes in assets to the anti-graft body last month. PM Robert Golob has become the sole owner of the company Star Solar, registered as an electricity producer. (front page, 2)

Farewell of basketball star
"World celebrities to attend Dragić's farewell event": Basketball star Goran Dragić has invited the best players in the world to his charity farewell event to be held in Stožice on 24 August. (front page, 18)


Ljubljana traffic during construction of overpass
"Encouraging start to 'horrible times'": The demolition of a rail overpass over Dunajska Road, one of the main thoroughfares in Ljubljana, started on Thursday, resulting in a four-day complete closure of the section of road between Tivolska and Vilharjeva roads. But no major traffic congestions were reported. (front page, 2-3)

Post-flood funding
"Eight million in EU funds lost": The project of flood measures in the Gradaščica river basin could have won EUR 42 million in EU funds, but only EUR 34 million will be drawn. (front page, 8)


Energy referendum looming
"Battle for gas and wood": The opposition New Slovenia (NSi) announced on Wednesday it would set in motion proceedings for a referendum if the government pushes ahead with provisions of a reform energy bill that target high-carbon sources of heating. (front page, 3)

Judges' strike announcement
"Judges announce strike": Following a one-hour work stoppage yesterday, judges announced a work-to-rule strike between 10 and 24 January to pressure the government into implementing a Constitutional Court decision on their pay. (front page, 2)

Graffiti project in Ptuj
"Graffiti in Ptuj - yes or no": A city councillor in Ptuj, Lina Habjančič, has proposed that parts of the facade of the new youth culture centre MKC be adorned with graffiti. But architects and project managers strongly oppose this, fearing that graffiti could later appear on other parts of the facade, including those protected as cultural heritage. (front page, 16)

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