Daily headlines - Thursday, 25 January

Ljubljana, 25 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 25 January:


"Weather forecasts indicate new disasters": Last year was not a record year in terms of high temperatures or precipitation, but the August floods caused extensive devastation. All forecasts indicate that such disasters will get more frequent. (front page, 4)

Doctors' strike
"It is not clear how to get sick leave": People do not know what to do and whom exactly to turn to when their GPs fail tu issue them sick leave notes due to the ongoing strike by the Fides trade union. This is a matter of social security, the paper notes. (front page, 3)

Ski jumping
"Floods did not wash away women jumpers' holiday": Two events as part of the Ski Jumping World Cup for women will be held in Ljubno ob Savinji this weekend, with the organisers having defied the consequences of the August 2023 floods. (front page, 19)


Wind energy
"Enticing offer to municipalities making turbulence": The Environment, Climate and Energy Ministry is offering local authorities generous one-off compensation for wind turbines. NGOs are up in arms, claiming that this is an attempt at bribe. (front page, 4)

Street crime in Ljubljana
"More crime in the city, but no gangs": In the last three months of 2023, police registered an increase in street crime and property crime, but Ljubljana nevertheless remains safe both for residents and tourists. (front page, 19)


Doctors' strike
"Hostages of strike": The dissatisfaction and fear in patients who are not able to get to the doctor due to the ongoing strike by the Fides trade union, which has been on for more than ten days, is growing. (front page, 4)

Parliamentary inquiry
"Allegations that he is not up to the task": Freedom Movement MP Miha Lamut has irrevocably resigned as the chair of the parliamentary inquiry into alleged political interference in the police force, officially for health reasons. Lamut has faced allegations that he is not up to the task. (front page, 2)

Maribor budget
"As much as five million for vehicles": The Maribor city council will meet next Tuesday to discuss the 2024 budget, with the proposal by the city administration envisaging EUR 160.9 million in revenue, which is 15% less than in 2023. Almost EUR 5 million would go for purchase of vehicles. (front page, 13)

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