Daily headlines - Thursday, 1 February

Ljubljana, 1 February - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 1 February:


Foreign workforce
"Seasonal workers also in tourism": One of the key challenges for Slovenian tourism this year will be ensuring enough staff, with employers having to resort to foreign labour force. Some more flexibility is expected to be brought by the announced legislative changes allowing seasonal work in tourism and hospitality. (front page, 3)

Substitute homes after floods
"Looking for land for flood-affected people": Locations for substitute homes for the flood-affected residents of Letuš are being sought on state-owned farmland in the area of Rakovlje, south of Letuš. A civil initiative has formed to call on the authorities to save as much farmland as possible. (front page, 4)

Farmers' protests
"Escalation of protests and strikes in Europe": While French farmers are protesting to pressure the EU to find a solution regarding the imports of cheap grain from Ukraine, Germany is in the grip of strikes, with various parts of the public sector fighting for higher wages and better working conditions. (front page, 5)


Court building scandal
"Everybody against everybody in SD": Justice Minister Dominika Švarc Pipan has not resigned over the controversial purchase of a building in Ljubljana despite calls from her Social Democrats (SD) to do so. Švarc Pipan is pointing the finger at the SD, while SD president Tanja Fajon expects PM Robert Golob to dismiss the minister as soon as possible. (front page, 3)

District heating in Velenje
"Heating in Velenje will be cheapest in the country": The reason for the astronomical bills for district heating in Velenje and Šoštanj, which has prompted recent protests, is not the prices of heating, but mostly high consumption in (multi-apartment) buildings. (front page, 4)


Doctors' strike
"Dangerous escalation": In order to escalate their strike, doctors have decided to withdraw consent for overtime work, which could cause severe disruptions in the system. The coalition parties have meanwhile called on medical institutions to in turn withdraw their consents for doctors' work elsewhere. (front page, 3

Court building scandal
"She is also going after her party": Justice Minister Dominika Švarc Pipan has accepted responsibility for the controversial purchase of a building in Ljubljana, but will not resign, despite calls from her Social Democrats (SD) to do so. PM Robert Golob will wait a little bit more before making his decision. (front page, 2)

Attempted murder trial
"Attacker winking to the victim in court": The trial against Luka Gašparič for an attempted murder of a woman in Maribor city park in 2022, who was stabbed with a knife 20 times and got her thumb severed with a kitchen cleaver, saw the testimony of an eyewitness and of the mothers of both persons involved. (front page, 9)

"They finally got regional park": The government yesterday approved the decree establishing the Pohorje Regional Park, an idea that had been alive in one form or another for at least a hundred years. The park will be established once the six founding municipalities confirm the founding act. (front page, 13, 15)

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