Daily headlines - Tuesday, 6 February

Ljubljana, 6 February - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 6 February:


Insolvency procedures
"They found Ivan Zidar's safe full of cash": Construction baron Ivan Zidar died leaving a EUR 16 million debt in personal bankruptcy proceedings, a number of properties and a safe full of cash. Assets have been gradually falling into the bankruptcy estate. (front page, 8)

Justice minister
"Justice minister offers her resignation": Justice Minister Dominika Švarc Pipan offered her resignation in a meeting with PM Robert Golob, she told Marcel Štefančič in his new current affairs show on TV Slovenija. Golob is due to meet SocDems ministers tomorrow. (front page, 2)

"Ivan Zajec's last sculpture found": What is believed to be the last sculpture Ivan Zajec (1869-1952) created before his death was discovered in a private collection and will be exhibited at the Novak Gallery on 8 February, when Slovenia observes Culture Day. (front page)


"Punishment for success or encouragement for failure?": The Finance Ministry's ranking of municipalities according to their development index, which determines the level of state co-funding, is seen by successful municipalities as a punishment, while the under-developed ones complain about insufficient funding. (front page, 8-9)

"Fewer and fewer teachers, the young not interested in this profession": Head teachers are drawing attention to teacher shortages, which are only getting worse, and a sharp decline in young people's interest in the profession. The situation is serious, they warn. The Education Ministry says the issues are being addressed. (front page, 2)

Justice Minister
"Švarc Pipan offers to resign": Justice Minister Dominika Švarc Pipan offered her resignation, but PM Robert Golob has not accepted it so far. They agreed she will stay on for a few weeks to get to the bottom of irregularities in an infamous purchase of a building meant to house several courts. (front page, 3)


Justice minister
"Political thriller continues": A police investigation into the Justice Ministry's purchase of a building has been extended to include the Finance Ministry. PM Robert Golob postponed a meeting with the senior members of the Social Democrats (SD) because many of them, including party leader Tanja Fajon, could not have made it to the meeting. (front page, 2-3)

"How many flats are still empty": Nineteen flats out of a total of 340 rentals flats are still empty in the Pod Pekrsko Gorco neighbourhood in Maribor, which was inaugurated in September 2022. Out of 60 assisted living flats, nine have not yet been rented out. (front page, 13)

"He killed his grandfather in poor mental state": A man who killed his grandfather last autumn lacked the mental capacity to understand the nature and consequences of his actions, so he will be sent to a mental institution instead of a prison. (front page, 9)

"Initiative not yet satisfied": A civil initiative protesting a jump in district heating costs in Velenje and Šoštanj wants the local authorities to do more to mitigate the heating cost crisis. (front page, 18)

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