Daily headlines - Friday, 9 February

Ljubljana, 9 February - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 9 February:


UEFA boss interview
"All options will be open in three years": After the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) president, Slovenian lawyer Aleksander Čeferin, announced he will not run for another term at the 2027 congress, he told Delo that everything is possible after he finishes the current term and that he excludes nothing. (front page, 2, 18)

"How to keep investors on the market": After the subscription for the first retail bond issue in Slovenia is to be concluded at the end of next week, the paper says the key question is what the state will do next to incentivise residents to be more active investors. (front page, 8)

Culture Day
"Prešeren's poetry on Prešeren's day": As Culture Day was celebrated on Thursday to pay tribute to poet France Prešeren (1800-1849), his poetry was read from his native village of Vrba to Ljubljana and beyond by representatives of various generations. (front page)


Hospital renovation
"Renovation proceeds and also goes to court": The renovation of the main building of UKC Ljubljana, the country's central hospital, proceeds after months of standstill due to disagreements between the Health Ministry and the contractor, GH Holding. (front page, 2)

"Microcredentials instead of serious studies": As part of the Recovery and resilience Plan, universities have obtained millions of euros for pilot projects, including for the introduction of microcredentials for lifelong learning and employment, which are believed to be undermining diplomas. (front page, 3)


Culture Day
"Undulation of culture": A ceremony to pay tribute to poet Erika Vouk, who was one of the two winners of this year's Prešeren Prize, the top national accolade for lifetime achievement in culture and arts, was held in Maribor on Culture Day on Thursday. (front page, 12)

"Halfway to regional park": The government has approved the decree establishing the Pohorje Regional Park, and it is not on the local municipalities to do their job. The paper wonders why Ribnica na Pohorju is not among the founding municipalities. (front page, 3)

Drug gang bust
"Cocaine, speed, marijuana and anabolics": The police have busted a drug-dealing criminal organisation that was allegedly led by two men from Ptuj, including a former football official. One of the suspects is reportedly Kristijan Kamenik, who is best known for a 1997 quadruple murder trial. (front page, 9)

Pre-school education
"They would merge kindergartens": The local authorities in Maribor plan to merge the existing eight kindergartens in the city under one institute. A reorganisation study has already been commissioned. (front page, 14)

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