Former head of Association of Slovenians in Hungary dies

Szentgotthard, 13 February - Jože Hirnök, the founder and long-serving former head of the Association of Slovenians in Hungary, has died aged 66, the umbrella organisation of the Slovenian minority said on Facebook on Monday.

Szentgotthárd, Hungary
Jože Hirnök, the founder and long-term head of the Association of Slovenians in Hungary.
Photo: Marjan Maučec/STA
File photo

Hirnök, who led the organisation from its founding in 1990 until 2019, is credited with significantly contributing to Slovenians in Hungary taking the first and crucial step towards creating their own organisation.

The Association of Slovenians in Hungary also wrote that Hirnök significantly contributed to the further development of the organisation, which strives to preserve the Slovenian culture in the Hungarian region of Porabje.

Under his leadership the newspaper Porabje was also founded.

"Thanks to him, both countries - Slovenia and Hungary - have recognised the importance of the Slovenian community in the Porabje region," the association added. He has also achieved a great deal in the development of the infrastructure that enables the Slovenians of the region to carry out their activities.

Hirnök connected the Slovenians of the region with their compatriots in the Prekmurje region in Slovenia and with Slovenians living in other neighbouring countries - Austria, Italy and Croatia. He is one of the founders of the Slovenian Minority Coordination, a body bringing together the Slovenian communities in all neighbouring countries.

In 2006, he was awarded the Order of Merit by President Janez Drnovšek for his work in preserving the Slovenian minority and for his significant contribution to the development of Slovenian culture in Porabje.

In 2019, he received a letter of appreciation from the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad for his long-standing leadership of the Association of Slovenians in Hungary and his invaluable contribution to the preservation of Slovenian cultural and national identity in Hungary.

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