Daily headlines - Thursday, 22 February

Ljubljana, 22 February - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 22 February:


Pay increases
"Pay going up faster than productivity": Economists warn that Slovenia's pay growth has been recently higher than productivity growth. (front page, 3)

"Going underground to seek signals and non-signals": In March, Slovenian physicist Andrej Gorišek will take on a senior position in CERN's ATLAS project, which aims to explore the secrets of the universe. Slovenia will become a full-fledged member of CERN in early 2025. (front page, 13-14)

Julian Assange
"Supporting Assange and freedom of media": As WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his team attempt to prevent his extradition from the UK to the US to face espionage charges, many European cities, including Ljubljana, have been seeing protest rallies in support of his appeal. (front page, 6)


"Plans for third motorway lane unveiled": The motorway company DARS plans to turn a 7.3km-long section between Domžale and Ljubljana into a six-lane motorway by turning hard shoulders into traffic lanes on both sides of the road. (front page, 8)

Illegal construction
"Illegal construction owners capitalise on amnesty opportunity": Many owners of illegal buildings have capitalised on the latest changes to the relevant legislation, which facilitate legalisation of illegal buildings which had been completed before 2005. (front page, 2-3, commentary 12)


"Government crumbs": Centralisation attempts are present in higher education as well, as the University of Maribor was given the go-ahead for significantly less funding than its Ljubljana counterpart. (front page, 2, 14, 15)

"Grave corruption concerns": There has been no progress in Slovenia's Transparency International corruption perception index this year. The country lags behind EU average in what is considered the continuation of stagnation and insufficient efforts to fight corruption. Politicians meanwhile point the finger at each other. (front page, 2-3)

"Patients in between": The health centre in Slovenska Bistrica also faces a severe GP shortage, same as many others across the country. Some 4,000 patients could be left without a GP. (front page, 13)

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