News roundup - Wednesday, 28 February, until 3pm

Ljubljana, 28 February - Below is a roundup of major events on Wednesday, 28 February, until 3pm local time:

Slovenia insists in UN Security Council on ceasefire in Gaza

NEW YORK, US - Slovenia's representative in the UN Security Council Samuel Žbogar said at Tuesday's session on Gaza that a ceasefire is a prerequisite for all other activities in support of Palestinian civilians, who are facing starvation. A similar opinion was expressed by practically all other speakers, with the exception of the US representative.

Ministry, embassy not informed about Janša's visit to Israel

LJUBLJANA - The Foreign Ministry and the Slovenian Embassy in Tel Aviv were not informed about opposition leader Janez Janša's recent visit to Israel, a senior ministry official told the parliamentary Foreign Policy Committee. The government has no intention to move the embassy to Jerusalem, which Janša reportedly plans if he becomes PM again.

Pirates hope to get MEP seat by focusing on nuclear, privacy

LJUBLJANA - The non-parliamentary Pirate Party presented its list of candidates for the EU election, with its representatives underlining that they really want an MEP seat. The party's top candidate is long-time member Urška Orehek. The party plans to highlight the importance of nuclear for the green transition during the campaign.

Energy poverty rate flat in 2023, but more people affected

LJUBLJANA - Around 62,000 or 7.2% of households in Slovenia lived in energy poverty last year, which is the same share as in 2022, while the number of people living in such households increased by 7,000 to 109,000. Between 2014 and 2023, this share decreased by about a third or 26,000 households, the Statistics Office said.

Real factor income in agriculture down 2% last year

LJUBLJANA - Real factor income in agriculture in 2023 is estimated to have decreased by 2% compared to the year before due to the substantial decrease in crop and animal output. Production costs were also lower due to the cheaper inputs, the Statistics Office said. Real factor income per annual work unit (AWU) for 2023 is expected to remain at the level of the year before, due to the estimated lower employment (by 2%).

Major exhibition of Maria Lassnig's work opens in Ljubljana

LJUBLJANA - An exhibition of Maria Lassnig's paintings and drawings opened in Ljubljana's Cankarjev Dom in what is the first independent exhibition of the acclaimed Austrian artist in Slovenia. Lassnig (1919-2014) is most famous for her expressive self-portraits. The exhibition features 78 drawings, four oil paintings and two videos.

Endangered harbinger of spring to draw crowds in coming weeks

ŠENTJUR - The greater pasque flower, an endangered species in Slovenia, is coming into bloom at what is its largest growth site in the country, some 10 kilometres east of Celje. Hundreds of visitors are expected to admire the flowers over the course of the coming weeks and like every spring, locals have sprung to action to protect the delicate plants.

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