Daily headlines - Thursday, 29 February

Ljubljana, 29 February - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 29 February:


Koper-Divača rail track
"Vinjan is a feat, a monument to engineering": The 630-metre Vinjan viaduct, which connects the seventh and eighth tunnel of the new Koper-Divača rail track, has been completed. The complex structure, built on time, is proof of the expertise of Slovenian civil engineers. (front page, 8)

"Best of what Slovenia and Croatia offer": Delo has published the Like Slovenia & Croatia tourism magazine in cooperation with the Croatian media house Hanza Media, which publishes the daily newspaper Jutarnji List. It features "stories that invite you to go on a trip". (front page, 5)

EU election
"First-time voters on citizenship path": Strength of Europe, a comic by Andrej Miholič and Ciril Horjak, is coming among young readers and libraries as the EU is gearing up for the European Parliament election in June. In the long run, the book is seen as a building block of active citizenship. (front page, 12)


"Payment of 'scandalous' compensation nearing end": The budget no longer features a special item for the payment of compensation to the erased - some 25,700 people from other parts of the former Yugoslavia who were removed from the permanent residence register in 1992 - and the last compensation proceedings are being concluded in courts and the State Attorney's Office. Only a few of the beneficiaries decided to ask more than the "pittance" provided by the state. (front page, 2)

Parental child abduction
"There are many cases of children returning from visitation, but abductions are rare": The police deals with some 500 cases of a child not being returned on time from visitation or not being brought on time for visitation on an annual basis, while there are only four open cases of international parental child abduction. (front page, 19)


Housing loans
"Housing loans cheaper": The slow growth of housing loans in recent months should be attributed to the high interest rates and restrictions of the central bank regarding lending. It is expected that the situation will improve in the coming months, with fixed interest rates dropping below 3%. (front page, 2-3)

UKC Maribor hospital
"EUR 2.2 million loss already due to strike": The council of the UKC Maribor hospital has again appointed Vojko Flis as the director general with a full term. It took note of the annual loss and discussed the staff shortage in paediatric intensive care. (front page, 13)

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