Weather caused almost EUR 90m in damage in agriculture last year

Ljubljana, 29 February - The government confirmed on Thursday the amount of damage caused in agriculture by bad weather last year. Frost caused EUR 25.1 million in damage, storms another EUR 44.53 million in damage and August floods EUR 18.74 million.

Ravne na Koroškem
Post-flood reconstruction work in Ravne na Koroškem.
Photo: Bor Slana/STA

The cabinet also confirmed the final assessment of direct damage to property caused by storms and floods between 28 and 30 August last year in the Notranjska region and the coast, which stands at EUR 5.56 million.

In both cases the damage exceeds the threshold for state aid, so the relevant procedures for distributing the aid and mending the damage will be launched, the Government Communication Office said.

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