Daily headlines - Friday, 1 March

Ljubljana, 1 March - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 1 March:


Doctors' strike
"Today first day without doctors' overtime work": Health institutions expect reduced services and access in the upcoming weeks due to some doctors withdrawing their consent for overtime work. (front page, 3)

Justice minister candidate
"Returning to scandal-marred ministry": Andreja Katič, candidate for justice minister, will present her bid at the relevant parliamentary committee today. (front page, 2)

"Putin: Our weapons can strike Western targets": In an annual speech to the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened the West that Russia also has weapons that can strike targets. He is slated to be re-elected in two weeks. (front page, 6)


"More trees to be felled in Rožnik area": Tree felling continues in Ljubljana's green urban area Rožnik after city authorities started cutting down trees in late 2022. (front page, 8)

Doctors' strike
"Patient care will be reduced in real time": Health officials will be restricting access to services as the current situation will demand in the wake of some doctors refusing to work overtime. (front page, 3)


Doctors' strike
"Crisis gets worse": Patients are concerned about some doctors' decision to stop working overtime as part of their strike. The government has laid down the scope of additional services that doctors have to provide during a strike, but their trade union Fides says the move is against the law. (front page 2-4, 7)

Suspected corruption
"KPK investigating future head of mega-kindergarten": The head of a Ljubljana kindergarten, Barbara Novinec, is doing business with her brother's companies. The anti-graft watchdog is looking into the matter. She is rumoured to take over running a new kindergarten centre that will house support services for all 23 kindergartens in the capital. (front page, 5)

"Massacre of those waiting for humanitarian aid": Israeli forces have committed yet another crime against civilians - more than 100 Palestinians are reported killed in a crowd that gathered around an aid convoy near Gaza City. (front page, 6)

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