Daily headlines - Monday, 11 March

Ljubljana, 11 March - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 11 March:


Climate change
"Slovenia in the epicentre of climate change": A report on climate change by the European Environment Agency warns of critical climate risks in the part of Europe which includes Slovenia that will reach catastrophic proportions at the end of the century if no action is taken. (front page, 3)

Public opinion poll
"SD's dropping has stopped, but govt ratings continue to drop": Less than 14% of respondents in the latest public opinion poll assess government work as positive, while more than 55% assess it as negative. (front page, 2)

Ski jumps
"Prevc family excels gain in Oslo": Domen Prevc boasted the best jump after the first series of ski jumps in Oslo on Sunday but slipped to the 4th place in the finals, his younger sister Nika Prevc was second and their brother Peter Prevc was 8th and 11th to finish fourth in the tournament. (front page, 9)


Asylum centres
"Increasingly little room and increasingly little understanding": Asylum centres are overcrowded, so the government decided to set up asylum centre units in the state-owned buildings at the border crossings of Obrežje and Središče ob Dravi, on the border with Croatia, but locals oppose this. (front page, 2, commentary 12)

Ballooning costs of infrastructure projects
"Price rises and delays: In search of original sin": Annexes to contracts that raise the price tags of infrastructure projects are not unique to Slovenia, but this suggests that someone in the long line of contractors is not doing their job. (front page, 4)


Climate change
"Climate (Un)Safety": Climate change is faster than the adoption and development of the EU's climate policies. The changes forecast will have a significant impact on the society and all economic sectors. (front page, 3)

Firefighters' flood operations
"Floods only a matter of time": Firefighters risked their lives in last year's summer floods, the worst in Slovenia's history. (front page, 7)

Domestic violence case
"Žalik can forget about parole": After almost four months of serving a prison sentence at the open unit of the Rogoza prison, inmate Bojan Žalik, the murderer of Janko Makoter, had to return to the closed section of the Dob prison due to domestic violence. (front page, 8)

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