Daily headlines - Wednesday, 13 March

Ljubljana, 13 March - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 13 March:


"Decision about nuclear future coming in November": All parliamentary parties bar the coalition Left have filed a joint motion for Slovenia to hold a referendum on building a second nuclear reactor. (front page, 3)

Ski jumping
"Peter Prevc and Nika Križnar miss victory by a hair": Peter Prevc won second place in the ski jumps world cup event in Trondheim, while Nika Križnar was third. (front page, 15)

Fuel price regulation
"Oil retailers fighting inflation": The government has increased excise duties for diesel and heating oil, while keeping retail margins low. (front page, 9)


"Super referendum day coming": In November, Slovenians are likely to head to the polls to decide whether they want the country to build a second nuclear reactor and legalise euthanasia. (front page, 2)

Farmers to protest
"Tractors will be shredding nerves in Ljubljana": On Tuesday farmers from all over Slovenia will take to the streets of Ljubljana on their tractors. Some 2,000 are expected, about as many as in April 2022. (front page, 3)


Farmers' protest
"Farmers to take to streets again": Organisations representing farmers will stage a protest in Ljubljana on Tuesday after giving the government an ultimatum to meet their demands by Friday. They are certain the government will not be able to deliver on its promises in a few days after failing to do so in a year. (front page, 2 and 5)

"Film about stolen children": A documentary by Maja Weiss and Nataša Konc Lorenzutti highlights the stories of children kidnapped by the Nazi occupying forces during second world war. (front page, 12)

Nuclear referendum
"Everybody is in except the Left": All parliamentary parties except the Left want a referendum on a second nuclear reactor in Krško. The vote will likely take place in November. (front page, 3)

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