Daily headlines - Wednesday, 20 March

Ljubljana, 20 March - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 20 March:


Extraordinary naturalisation
"Slovenia grants 11,000 citizenships": Since independence Slovenia has granted citizenship to 11,000 people from other countries for scientific, economical, cultural, national or other reasons. Last year alone, 320 citizenships were conferred, mostly in healthcare but also in sports. (front page, 14)

Polish president visit
"Andrzej Duda visiting": Polish President Andrzej Duda will start a two-day visit to Slovenia today following an invitation from President Nataša Pirc Musar. He is scheduled to meet senior officials to discuss bilateral cooperation and exchange views on topical issues. (front page, 5)

Public sector reform talks
"How the state sees public services": A new pay system is crucial for the public sector, trade unions warn, noting that the government should present its vision of the public sector in the future. (front page, 3)


Foster care
"Who will look after children without safe shelter?": Although a lack of foster families has been a problem in Slovenia for years, the minister in charge ignores calls for an overhaul of the foster care system. (front page, 4-5, commentary 14)

"Sale and construction without any rules": Demand for apartments in Ljubljana exceeds supply and buyers are becoming increasingly desperate. About a week ago a man raised dust by posting an ad for an apartment demanding EUR 40 for a tour of the flat. (front page, 9)


Real estate market
"Short-term rents scrutinised": After several European countries introduced restrictions for short-term renting of apartments in the most popular tourist towns, Economy Minister Matjaž Han recently revealed this would be regulated in Slovenia too. (front page, 2-3)

Ukraine war
"How far would European countries go": French President Emmanuel Macron's words that the deployment of western military units to Ukraine is not excluded still resonate. Defence expert Iztok Prezelj says "we are actually already deep in a hybrid war with Russia". (front page, 6)

Cocaine seizure in Koper
"They brought soy but also cocaine": A ship that arrived in Koper from Brazil brought seven packages containing 260 kilos of cocaine in its ballast tank. Two foreigners were arrested. (front page, 8)

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