NGOs urge withdrawal of N-energy resolution, referendum motion

Ljubljana, 20 May - Several NGOs believe there is not enough relevant data available to decide on Krško 2, a new nuclear power station planned, so they urge withdrawal from parliament of a resolution on nuclear energy use and of a motion on a consultative referendum on the generator. They say that the state should also first present a 100% renewables scenario.

Several NGOs hold a joint press conference in front of the National Assembly to express their opposition to nuclear energy, foremost a second nuclear power station.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA

Ljubljana, DZ.
Novinarska konferenca, na kateri so Greenpeace Slovenija, Umanotera, društvo Focus, PIC - Pravni center za varstvo človekovih pravic in okolja ter ekolog Dušan Plut ponovno opozorili na po njihovem mnenju problematične vidike resolucije o dolgoročni miroljubni rabi jedrske energije v Sloveniji, ki jo bo državni zbor sprejemal na plenarni seji.
Foto: Katja Kodba/STA

Ljubljana, DZ.
Novinarska konferenca, na kateri so Greenpeace Slovenija, Umanotera, društvo Focus, PIC - Pravni center za varstvo človekovih pravic in okolja ter ekolog Dušan Plut ponovno opozorili na po njihovem mnenju problematične vidike resolucije o dolgoročni miroljubni rabi jedrske energije v Sloveniji, ki jo bo državni zbor sprejemal na plenarni seji.
Foto: Katja Kodba/STA

Several NGOs hold a joint press conference in front of the National Assembly to express their opposition to nuclear energy, foremost a second nuclear power station.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA

Several NGOs hold a joint press conference in front of the National Assembly to express their opposition to nuclear energy, foremost a second nuclear power station.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA

Several NGOs hold a joint press conference in front of the National Assembly to express their opposition to nuclear energy, foremost a second nuclear power station.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA

Several NGOs hold a joint press conference in front of the National Assembly to express their opposition to nuclear energy, foremost a second nuclear power station.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA

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