Slovenia, Austria open joint environmentalist exhibition

Gornja Radgona, 3 August - A travelling exhibition by the Austrian Foreign Ministry is opening in the neighbouring towns of Gornja Radgona in Slovenia and Austria's Bad Radkersburg on Saturday afternoon. The exhibition titled Touch Nature will be displayed on the bridge between the two towns and in the two former customs houses.

Bad Radkersburg, Austria
The bridge over the Mura river connecting the Slovenian town of Gornja Radgona and Austria's Bad Radkersburg.
Photo: Nebojša Tejić/STA

The exhibition strives to present the topics of climate and sustainability which are important for both Slovenia and Austria, and it also tries to visualise the connections between the countries.

A total of 28 artists or collectives will be exhibiting - Slovenian artists in the former customs house on the Austrian side of the border and Austrian artists in Slovenia.

The multimedia exhibition touches on the current environmental crisis, reads the website of the Pavelhaus culture centre, one of the organisers. The artists are entering a transnational dialogue and taking stances on the destructive humanitarian, political and ecological effects on the Anthropocene, a geological period in which human activity became the main driving force of changes on Earth, the Pavelhaus wrote.

The exhibition will open with a ceremony, attended by Slovenian Deputy Ambassador to Austria Barbara Kremžar and Austrian Deputy Ambassador to Slovenia Kristof Grabmayer-Keri. A concert in the Pavelhaus will follow.

The exhibition will be open until 11 August as part of the art festival Midsummer.

Touch Nature is a travelling exhibition, which presents the viewpoints of Austria along with the positions of the countries it cooperates with. A final exhibition of all participating countries will take place in the Lentos Art Museum in Linz next spring.

© STA, 2024