Exhibition on Allied bombings in Slovenia on display in Pivka

Pivka, 15 September - A comprehensive exhibition on the large-scale Allied bombings of targets in the territory of present-day Slovenia between 1944 and 1945 that aimed to defeat Nazi Germany opened on Saturday in the Park of Military History in Pivka.

Zavezniško bombardiranje območja Koroškega kolodvora in Delavnic državnih železnic med drugo svetovno vojno.
Foto: Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor

An exhibition on the large-scale Allied bombings of targets in the territory of present-day Slovenia in 1994-45 on display in the Park of Military History.
Photo: Eva Horvat/STA

An exhibition on the large-scale Allied bombings of targets in the territory of present-day Slovenia in 1994-45 on display in the Park of Military History.
Photo: Eva Horvat/STA

An exhibition on the large-scale Allied bombings of targets in the territory of present-day Slovenia in 1994-45 on display in the Park of Military History.
Photo: Eva Horvat/STA

An exhibition on the large-scale Allied bombings of targets in the territory of present-day Slovenia in 1994-45 on display in the Park of Military History.
Photo: Eva Horvat/STA

An exhibition on the large-scale Allied bombings of targets in the territory of present-day Slovenia in 1994-45 on display in the Park of Military History.
Photo: Eva Horvat/STA

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