Pirc Musar says Slovenia apprehensive about future Austrian government

Vienna, 29 January - President Nataša Pirc Musar said Slovenia was looking "with apprehension" at the coalition talks between the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and People's Party (ÖVP). "I hope the new government understands what the EU means and what its values are," she told Austrian press agency APA during a visit to Vienna.

Jesenice President Nataša Pirc Musar. Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

President Nataša Pirc Musar.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

Pirc Musar acknowledged that Slovenia was more sensitive about Austria because it is a neighbouring country, but added that she and her Austrian counterpart Alexander Van der Bellen shared similar views.

The powers of heads of state are limited in parliamentary democracies, "but it is us, presidents, who have to be straight with ruling parties and tell them when they deviate from the path."

Asked whether she saw the FPÖ as a far-right party, she said that "the party's past suggests so," but she added that there have been positive statements from the party's circles recently, which is why she is hopeful that it is committed to "21st century politics".

Pirc Musar also called for stronger efforts to protect the Slovenian minority in Austria, including in education. Asked whether it would notify its succession to the Austrian State Treaty in the event the situation deteriorates, she said this was something "we always have in mind," but added that Slovenia was waiting for what the new government in Vienna will do.

The president was also critical of plans by the state government in Styria to amend the state constitution with the state anthem, an old poem whose lyrics say that Styria reaches into present-day Slovenia.

"I hope they are not serious," she said, noting that this would not be accepted well in Slovenia and that sovereignty and territorial integrity are the cornerstones of international relations.

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