Slovene President Receives More Letters of Congratulation at National Day

Ljubljana, 26 June - Slovene President Milan Kucan on Monday received several more letters of congratulation from foreign statesmen and representatives of international organisations and institutions at Slovenia's National Day, 25 June. Letters of congratulations expressing support at Slovenia's achievements in the nine years of independence were sent by Pope John Paul II, Hungarian President Arpad Goencz, Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, Swiss President Adolg Ogi, Lithuanian President Algirdas Brazauskas, Finnish President Tarja Halonen, Swedish King Carl Gustaf, Emirs of Qatar and Bahrain, Al-Thani and Al-Khalifa, Uruguayan President Jorge Batlle Ibanies, and president of the International Francophone Organisation Butros Gali, the office of the Slovene president reported.

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