Two trains with tanks and military equipment leave Logatec

Ljubljana, 2 August - Yesterday, in the early morning hours, two special trains left the railway station in Logatec, loaded with tanks and military equipment from the barracks of Vrhnika. As we found out, both compositions drove off towards Banja Luka. 17 new special wagons for the transport of tanks arrived in Slovenia, directed towards Logatec. In the community of Brežica, in which the airport Cerklje is also situated, they warned that the Yugoslav army during their move from Slovenia was causing great damage to their own former facilities. According to some claims, the airport in Cerklje had been mined by the Yugoslav army, thus destroying the runway, rocket base, buildings and depots. Explosions have been heard from this airport for a few days now, which the representatives of the army claim to be the regular training of the young recruits. Today, the Slovenian side will meet once again with General Rašeta in Zagreb, they will be discussing the military hospital buildings on the territory of Slovenia, the problems of army apartments and the return of weapons to the Slovenian Territorial Defence.

© STA, 1991