The relations between the SAO Krajina and the Republic of Serbia

Ljubljana, 18 August - Last night the delegation of the so-called SAO Krajina convened with a delegation of the government of the Republic of Serbia, which comprised the Minister of Relations with the Serbs who live beyond the borders of Serbia and the Minister of Health. They discussed the relations between the SAO Krajina and the Republic of Serbia. "Leaving the Serbian people in the region of SAO Krajina to themselves is out of the question. The official policy of Serbia is that the Serbs must live in one country, however, we never mentioned a great Serbia, but rather Yugoslavia, which will be managed by those nations, who will want to live together", stated Stanko Cvijan following the talks. When answering the question posed by the press - Why doesn't the Serbian Assembly accept the annexation of the SAO Krajina to Serbia, Cvijan replied that such a move would result in the alteration of internal borders, and would also result in the international public condemning Serbia as an aggressor.

© STA, 1991