Press conference of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia

Belgrade, 12 September - The leader of the Serbian Movement for Renewal, Mr. Vuk Drašković, stated today at a press conference in the International Press Center in Belgrade organized by the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (Democratic Party, Serbian Movement for Renewal, National Peasant's Party and Serbian Reform Party), that the successor to the throne, prince Alexander II. Karadjordjević, will visit Belgrade on the occasion of the anniversary of the assassination of King Alexander I. Karadjordjević that will be observed in Belgrade and Oplenac. The Serbian Movement for Renewal and other Serbian democratic parties will not state an already publicized protest demonstration due to a special request made by the successor to the throne. Mr. Drašković is, however, not stepping aside from his demands addressed to the Serbian regime and from the abolishment of the "totalitarian regime" in this republic. The Prince will be arriving at Belgrade on October 5, presumably accompanied by his family, and will be lodging in, as Mr. Drašković claims, his residence - the White Hall at Dedinje.

© STA, 1991